I received my Master's in 2017 and completed my Ph.D. at Louisiana State University and am currently an Assistant Teaching Professor at Penn State Harrisburg. My current research focuses on the challenges of unfamiliar face perception and recognition, the creation and retrieval of episodic and prospective memories, and how covert measures of memory processes map on to behavioral data (e.g., eye movement patterns and pupil dilation). I am particularly interested in failures of face recognition and memory (i.e., forgetting).
Academically, I am very passionate about teaching, and I look forward to continued opportunities to engage in additional teaching and mentoring at Penn State Harrisburg. I am also in the process of wrapping up several research projects that I intend to submit for publication (please see Research for additional information about these projects). Many of these projects are ongoing lines of research.
Non-academically, my passions are food and travel. I am a United States native, and am extremely fortunate to have traveled extensively outside of its borders. I also enjoy domestic travel, particularly when it exposes me to new and exciting regional foods! I look forward to the opportunity to travel again and often, as learning about new cultures and interacting with new people form the backbone of some of my most rewarding travel experiences. I also have two cats and an amazing wife, and we are all looking forward to seeing snow for the first time this year.
Broadly, my research interests include human memory processes, especially the relationship between encoding and retrieval dynamics, face perception, and physiological indices of memory, such as eye movements and pupillometry. Hop over to my "Research" page for more information about some ongoing projects I am working on about these topics.
My teaching interests and goals are framed around the experiences I was fortunate to have while at LSU and in my first semester at Penn State Harrisburg. I have served as a teaching assistant for courses spanning both introductory and advanced material, and I am currently teaching four undergraduate classes. If you want to know more about my teaching and mentoring experiences, head on over to my "Teaching Experience" page for more detail.
If you want to skip all of this and get in touch with me directly, please email me at:
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