I completed my Ph.D. at Louisiana State University in 2019, and I am currently an Assistant Teaching Professor at Penn State Harrisburg.

I am in my first year of teaching at Penn State Harrisburg. My graduate work focused on Cognitive Psychology in the Eye Movements, Memory, and Attention Lab. I am broadly interested in face perception, episodic memory, and attentional processes, and I have had numerous opportunities to engage in academic research, teaching, and mentoring.
My teaching experiences are listed under "Teaching Experience." I am currently teaching Introduction to General Psychology, Introduction to Personality Psychology, and Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. More coming soon!
Please check out my "Research" page for some insight into my current projects and published work. This includes copies of work I present at conferences, or recent publications.
Check out "My CV" for the most up-to-date copy of my curriculum vitae.
Looking to get in touch? "Contact me" has all of my current contact information, or email me at
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November 02, 2019